Monday, April 1, 2013

Money counting lesson

Students sang this song to learn about the coins, We found this online.

She had each student play bingo

My intern Mrs. Lloyd did a great lesson with the kids to teach them how to recognize coins and work on counting them. They really enjoyed having fake money to count with.

counting money

In preparation for our standardized testing, and just for fun, we have created several money counting centers along with other mixed-math skills. Here is a money counting recording sheet for a coin stamp set we have. You can also use with play money, have them choose different groups of money, count them and record. We use the "dot" method for teaching the coin amounts. Each "dot" they draw on the coin means 5. So a quarter has 5 "dots" which equals 25 when counting by fives. It seems to be catching on pretty good!
Money counting worksheet

Friday, March 15, 2013

St. Patrick's Day activities....

After examining the clues that "Lucky" left us... my intern Mrs. Lloyd wrote down each clue and used that as a way to introduce each new thing.
Lucky the Leprechaun left us a note with some "clues" as to what he wanted us to learn about!

Monday, March 11, 2013

SAT 10 Motivational Poster

I created this poster to help my students get excited about SAT 10 ( Stanford 10, math and reading), our yearly standardized test. We do 3 small weekly assessments each week covering different skills. Students get points based on their scores on the small assessments. At the end of the week, they move their astronaut to the next point group. So far it has been a fun way get students excited about studying and preparing for the "big test"!

Each spaceship represents a new point field. Checking systems is 0-6 points, Ready for take off is 7-13 points, Blast off is 14-20 points and Out of this world is 21 or higher.

Point sytem reference poster.

Inference activity for my advanced group

I created a story that students read to find out clues about Lillie and James' day. Students had to use their inference skills we had been discussing in class. They used clues from the story and also real life clues that I gave them. Here is a look at what they used.

James and Lillie went on an adventurous day... find out what happened! ( click on picture to take you to the link)

These were the questions they were asked about James and Lillie's day.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Describing Words Activity

My intern found this cute activity on Pinterest. She created the group posters herself :) The kids really enjoyed it and it helped them understand "describing words".

Students helped Mrs. Lloyd create her "monster" and also brainstorm words to describe him.

Students filled in this worksheet to describe their monster. This worksheet is available on Pinterest.

Go Away, Big Green Monster!  by Ed Emberley was the book we read to the class prior to the activity.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Force: Science lesson teaching push and pull

This was my interns lesson on Force. She started with  group discussion about push and pull and gave definitions. Students brainstormed their own examples and then broke into differentiated groups. Turned out great! Worksheets were from another source.

My intern Lacey Lloyd working her magic! She is explaining force and push and pull to students during her evaluation!

Students brainstormed examples on their own. 

Students work was differentiated. They really liked the pictures that went with the example. 

This group was given a Venn Diagram and walked around the room to find items you could push, pull and do both to! They loved this.

One of our groups used pictures and sorted them to show pulling and pushing being applied to objects to make them move.