Monday, April 1, 2013

Money counting lesson

Students sang this song to learn about the coins, We found this online.

She had each student play bingo

My intern Mrs. Lloyd did a great lesson with the kids to teach them how to recognize coins and work on counting them. They really enjoyed having fake money to count with.

counting money

In preparation for our standardized testing, and just for fun, we have created several money counting centers along with other mixed-math skills. Here is a money counting recording sheet for a coin stamp set we have. You can also use with play money, have them choose different groups of money, count them and record. We use the "dot" method for teaching the coin amounts. Each "dot" they draw on the coin means 5. So a quarter has 5 "dots" which equals 25 when counting by fives. It seems to be catching on pretty good!
Money counting worksheet